Spades Suit

Spades Suit - Destiny Cards

The Spades suit is associated with older age, embodying the Winter season and the element Earth. People under the Spades suit often exhibit a look of wisdom, reflecting their deep understanding and life experiences. As the highest and most powerful suit, Spades approach life with authority and a sense of control. Unlike the other suits, they are less driven by emotions, intellectual games, or material evaluations, focusing instead on willpower and higher wisdom.

Spades symbolize the concept of Labor and Higher Wisdom. Their primary pursuit is to uncover the Truth, and they embody a suit of extremes. At their best, Spades can be seen as spiritual giants. They are characterized by their strong work ethic, dedicating themselves to tasks they believe are worthwhile. They take pride in the quality of their work and aim for excellence in their endeavors.

Individuals identified with the Spades suit are fiercely independent, refusing to let anyone control their life. They possess a remarkable potential for willpower, enabling them to take on responsibilities and work through challenges to achieve successful outcomes. When a person aligned with the Spades suit realizes their true potential, they unlock the keys to infinite wisdom. This realization leads to profound happiness and the greatest satisfaction.

The Spades rule over 49 birthdays and are governed by the planets Saturn and Uranus. The influence of these planets reflects in their disciplined, structured approach to life (Saturn) and their tendency towards innovation and originality (Uranus). This combination makes those under the Spades suit uniquely equipped to handle life's challenges with both wisdom and innovative thinking.

Cards in Spades

Ace of Spades
Ace of Spades
Two of Spades
Two of Spades
Three of Spades
Three of Spades
Ten of Spades
Ten of Spades
Jack of Spades
Jack of Spades
Queen of Spades
Queen of Spades
King of Spades
King of Spades